
Invariable dynamism in the commercial and tourist ports of Nicaragua
The authorities of the National Port Company (EPN) reported this Wednesday that, between January 27 and February 2, Nicaragua’s commercial ports received a total of 10 international vessels. During a

Free Trade Zones: Why They Are Key to the Dominican Republic’s Economy and What Effect “Tax Vacations” Generate
Throughout the Dominican Republic there are a number of special places with companies that produce everything from medical equipment to jewelry and are exempt from taxes. These are free zones,

Zonas Francas growing
Nicaragua’s Free Zones closed 2019 with 123,000 jobs and exports close to 3 billion dollars, with better prospects for 2020, the Vice President of the National Free Zones Commission, Alfredo

The CNZF Approves the Entry of 7 New User Companies of Free Zones
In Ordinary Meeting No. 194 held on December 12, 2019 of the National Free Zones Commission, 7 new User Companies were approved that will be under the Nicaragua Free Zones

Year End of the Better Work Program
On Tuesday, December 3, a year-end meeting of the Advisory Council of the Better Work Nicaragua Program was held, in which representatives of the main trade union groups, ANITEC, representing

Camanica Zona Franca, S.A. Will Increase Jobs
A delegation from the National Free Zones Commission visited the shrimp company, Camanica Zona Franca, S.A., located in Chinandega, department of Chinandega, confirming the enormous potential it has in infrastructure